Lacking sales is one thing, but lacking inspiration to make those sales is another. I am struggling over here! I strongly believe my attempts are completely half-ass. I am not motivated to sell. If I were truly focused and invested in making sales, maybe something would happen. But for now, it is like the Sahara Desert up in here. No action.
One of my recent half-ass attempts was contacting the New Orleans Bride Magazine who hosts (what they would call) a mega bridal convention here in New Orleans. Upon calling their sales division, I was promptly contacted about their pricing and perks. For approximately $1000, I would get a booth, a small add in their magazine, a mailing list of all attendees, a mailing list of all vendors, free ad webdesign, a puppy...Obviously joking about the puppy, but it was a significant amount of perks. It all sounded wonderful until I realized: I haven't sold a book in 4 months, how would investing $1000 for ladies who are attending a bridal show to taste free cake and receive free hand-outs help me in the long run. Clearly, this would be a poor investment.
Once I decided the tradeshow was not fiscally responsible for me, I had a lightbulb go off. What if I built myself a cigarette-lady carrying device, loaded it up with my books, and just walk out front of the show...
I could have on a sandwich board, "Ask me about MARRIAGE LAWS." What a Debbie-Downer I would be. Then the real nightmare began, "What if I saw someone I know? How would I ask for a random day off of work?" All of those insecurities crept in.
So, here I am at the office. Typing away on the thing I could have done; perhaps should have done. I will never know. I think I may check into the upcoming "book fair" that happens here in NOLA. Maybe those booths will be cheaper...
Upward and onward...
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