Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Ya' gotta look to your inner network"

For someone who wrote this book under an alias, getting the news out to friends and loved ones has been challenging.  One conversation at a time has been great, and initially, it felt great!  But as the days have turned to weeks and months, the conversations have turned to, "I feel like I don't even know you!  You wrote a book and didn't tell anyone?!"

So, I finally took the plunge and outed myself to my friends via Facebook.  I feel a little exposed, but very empowered.  It is always great to have such supportive and generous friends who take the time to even read the event notice.  If any of you have clicked over to this blog, "Hi!"  I hope you are having a great day and I can't wait to see you soon :)



XXX here. Very random event notice from me, but this seems to be the best way to message everyone. I have a couple of big announcements, so this may be the first of two event/messages...

I wrote a book this year entitled "From the Proposal to Ever After: A Louisiana Woman's Guide to Marriage and Community Property Laws" and I published it online under the alias Camille Carter. The concept of this work was to provide women in Louisiana the opportunity to read a quick text on marriage law and feel like they "got" it. It is essentially a conversation about pre-nups, post-nups, marriage laws, community property laws, and more.

When I completed the book I forwarded it to Pelican Publishing, but they passed. Thus, I have been moving forward as a self-publisher. It has been an interesting venture and I have been blogging about the process as well. Over 2000 hits on my site so far! You can visit it here:

Now, I know the name of the book is a little long and maybe the cover page could use some work, but if you would take take a minute to visit the Amazon page, I would really appreciate it. Heck, if I can send you a free copy, just let me know! I would definitely appreciate your feedback or perhaps your recommendation to a friend.

If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to contact me any time. My cell number is below. You are also welcome to email me here.

Camille Carter ;)

If you are interested in receiving updates from my blog, please "like" my Facebook page too:

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