Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Completing a Project has Never Felt Better!!

A year came and went and I managed to FINISH MY EDITING!  The feeling of accomplishment is overwhelming, really.  Writing for pleasure is one thing, but rewriting is another.

After completing what I thought was my last edit, I was informed that re-outlining the text would be necessary.  Boy, was it ever!  Once I was able to walk away from the book and revisit it with the intention of outlining it, the gaping holes were so blatant.  I had no idea there were so many gaps in the flow and that certain items would require additional explanation.  Outlining it allowed me to really focus on the content and not just the flow of the words.  I saw areas where huge improvements were required.  It was a little embarrassing at first too.  I had put something out into the world that was not at its best.  But now?!  Woohoo!  I know the quality is much better and I can sell with confidence.      

I am positive the text is not perfect and there will always be room for improvement, but getting it to this most recent stage simply feels divine!  I am once again really proud of myself and happy to see a project to its completion.  If you are in a slump or know a project is simply sitting there waiting to get done, I can only recommend you start today!


The Proposal to Ever After: A Guide to Marriage and Community Property Laws in Louisiana 


Monday, January 13, 2014

Rejuvenation! The Great Rewrite of 2014

Happy 2014!  I am over the moon excited about this year.  All of the work done in 2013 just HAS to pay off in 2014.  But, to get that mojo going, I am putting in the necessary work to make sure it happens.  The one way I absolutely have to do this is by writing again.

Yes.  That is correct!  I have been rewriting the book and it is going swimmingly.  Seriously, the best advice has been to outline after your write.  The holes were absolutely glaring.  Errors just pop off the page.  It is a little embarrassing considering how much I had already put the book out there, but it will be beneficial now.  To have a professor of marriage law give me FREE advice and the tools to make major improvements and I don't finish the work?  That would be a travesty.  That would be such a waste.

I am so inspired and ready to make the changes.  There was a LOT of procrastination happening.  At first, I did the easy part.  I took out a pen and reread the book making notes in the margins and in a notepad.  The hard part was actually opening the computer file and starting to make the edits.  I like what I had written.  I like the funny anecdotes and what not.

Reality hit me: if it doesn't work, don't force it.  Delete it, move it, reconsider the way you said it.  Just because you said it once doesn't mean it couldn't be said better in another way.  I am looking at my work differently.  I have to see it as "in progress;" always needing improvement.  Others will not love it as much as I do.  There is no way.  Especially if it is not jumping off the page for the reader.

My only issue now is that I want to rush the process.  You know?  I want it to be over, like, tomorrow.  I want to just say, "Rewrite!....Done!"  I need to look at this like the marathon I know it to be.  I must be careful in order to not make errors.  Errors such as not referencing a point or deleting chunks of text and then forgetting to reenter the notes elsewhere.  Just sloppy editing is my part.  So, I am just focusing on one day at a time.  I will continue to put in the necessary hours.  I hope to be done by the beginning of February.  Matter of fact, I will set the deadline for Mardi Gras.

Yay!  Back to rewriting for me!!