Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Requesting a Softcopy Before Uploading Recommended

Regrets, I have a few.  One of the major ones would be uploading my book to Amazon and telling ALL my friends prior to seeing it in printed form.  I just finished re-reviewing the softcopy...Hand to face, embarrassing.  

First off, when I uploaded it to Amazon, I was so happy it was over.  It was just out there and I thought I had crossed a major milestone.  I obviously sold five copies to family and friends.  Very cool.  Thank you for the donations.

Then, I went to CreateSpace.  There, they recommended I receive a softcopy to proof.  Oh, boy.  There were missing verbs!  Little, tee-tiny errors, but errors nonetheless.  

Since then, I have fixed them all up (at least the ones I can spot) and I am republishing.  This will bring the book "down" on the Amazon site while it reviews, but I would rather have it in perfect form then in poor form.  It is just a shame that some of my closest friends may have seen the errors.

It is not the end of the world though.  The one bright light?  I was able to walk away from the project and return with fresh eyes.  That helped immensely.  The errors were always there, I was just in too much of a rush to notice them.

Words of advice from moi?  Walk away from something.  Give yourself a day or a week or even a month to process it all.  AND ORDER THE SOFTCOPY!  So worth the 5 bucks.

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