Monday, July 9, 2012

Time to Light a Real Fire

I must say, writing this book came so easily compared to the process of actually selling it.  When you are writing, you are in your own cocoon.  You struggle with returning to mundane writing tasks, but it is an overall pleasurable experience.  You read and reread.  You edit and reedit.  By the time it comes to print, you are ready to shelve it.

Here comes the hard part (and I now see why many don't go this route), marketing.  I have to write a press release and then find bookstores or other retail locations to sell the book.  Unlike email, stamps cost money.  Even a list of stores who may be interested in carrying it is going to cost me money.  I could develop something and simply go door-to-door, but, honestly, do the owners of stores really work there?  Isn't that what employees are for?

I am SERIOUSLY considering printing several copies and just paying to participate at local markets.  Simply sell the product directly to the customers.  My other thought is to get one of those cigarette girl contraptions and just walk the markets.  Is that legal?

So, here is where the numbers come in and the publishing houses.  They have the moolah and the staff to make these things happens.  Writers who are fortunate to be chosen into their castles really do just sit back and watch the small (or large) checks roll in.

I never even shopped this text around to area publishers.  I figured I would prefer to receive the majority of the royalties.  That said, I am starting to see how receiving 6% on profits can be WAY easier.

Seriously, I need to light a fire under my toosh and get the word out about the texts availability.  If I don't, it will languish out there like a toad on a log.  Means nothing, just exists.

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